Legal notice
Owners of the domain and website (hereinafter: the website) are Alpineon d.o.o., Ulica Iga Grudna 15, 1000 Ljubljana, Amebis, d.o.o., Kamnik, Bakovnik 3, 1241 Kamnik and Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana (hereinafter: the owner).
The owner strives to keep the information on the website accurate and up to date.
The owner and persons who participated in the creation and development of the website are under no circumstances responsible for any damages that might arise from this website. For example: due to the existence, access, errors or inaccurate website information. The owner is also not responsible for the information obtained through links that are not owned by the owner and is also not responsible for respecting privacy on these links.
The owner reserves the right to change website content and format at any time without notice and does not assume any responsibility for the changes.
Based on the Copyright and Related Rights act (Zakon o avtorskih in sorodnih pravicah – ZASP), the owner is the holder of material copyrights over copyrighted content posted on the website in the widest sense. Any copying, reproduction and any distribution of content without owner’s written permission for commercial purposes shall be prohibited.
With mandatory indication of the source and authorship of the work, ZASP exceptionally allows the use and reproduction of copyright works based on the right of public to provide information for educational purposes, for illustration, confrontation and referral in a citation form. The use and reproduction of copyrighted work in limited numbers for private and non-commercial use is permitted.
Privacy Policy
In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov – ZVOP), the owner ensures that he/she is doing his/her best to protect the personal data of users of this website and the users of the respective eBralec 4 Windows software package (hereinafter: software package) and software add-ons.
The owner may process the personal data of persons with whom he/she is in a subscription or contractual relationship, in the case of personal data that he or she needs to fulfill the obligation or exercising rights from a subscription or contractual relationship, or if the individual has explicit consent to the processing of personal data. Processing means collecting and storing data, combining and modifying, searching and using, messaging including downloading, blocking, and deleting.
Only based on your explicit personal consent, the owner will use your personal information to inform you about updates and changes to the website services, software package, software add-ons, and for marketing purposes.
For the sole purpose of protecting against theft and unauthorized use of the software package licences, the software package installed on the user's computer shall periodically verify the validity of the licence with the Amebis licence verification server. For each verification, in addition to the serial number of the licence and the serial number of the licence code, the verification date and time and client’s IP address are written to the server. If an organization is not or may not want to allow an external licensing check, the licensing system can be transferred to the organization's internal environment.
In order to ensure the highest quality and eliminate errors, the software package installed on user’s computer will in case of a malfunction send the part of the text in which the error occurred, the error type, the error time, as well as client’s IP address to Amebis server for collecting errors . If the software package’s interface allows interactivity, the user has an additional choice whether to send or not the part of the text in which the error occurred.
Web services do not store any texts of registered users that you are entering on this website. Only in case of service failure the following data: the error type and error time are saved in addition to the text of the logged-in user. Unlike texts of logged-in users, we save all texts of anonymous users.
In case of operating errors, the texts and data are saved, in order to ensure the highest quality of the website services as well as to analyze the text and to correct the operating error.
We do not pass on any saved texts and other data to anyone.
All Amebis servers are located in Slovenia.
Issuing Invoices
After the execution of an electronic or online order, the owner sends an invoice to the customer. If the buyer is a natural person, the owner will send the invoice to the customer in the form of a PDF file to the e-mail address, which was given by the customer in the order.
Compliance with the provisions of the legal notice
Entering and using this website implies that you agree to all of the terms listed above. If you disagree with the terms, please do not use this website, website service, software package, and software add-ons.
We recommend that you periodically review the valid legal notice of the website as it binds you.